Wednesday, 9 December 2009


A BIG thank you to the wonderful MARTHA for giving us this award - we are 'Over the Moon'!
It should be passed on to 5 others and we have listed our nominations at the end of the post.

OK, there are 35 questions to answer,
each answer must only be one single word
 but here goes:
  1. Where is your cellphone?.......................BIN
  2. Your hair?...........................................Highlights
  3. Your Mother?......................................Tireless
  4. Your Father?........................................Patient
  5. Your favourite food?.............................Vegetarian
  6. Your dream last night?...........................Colourful
  7. Your favourite drink?.............................Bacardi&Coke
  8. Your dream/goal?..................................Fulfilment
  9. What room are you in?...........................Hall
  10. Your hobby?..........................................Craft
  11. Your fear?.............................................Spiders!!!
  12. Where do you want to be in 6 years?...........Dancing
  13. Where were you last night?......................Friends
  14. Something that you aren't?........................Wealthy
  15. Muffins?..................................................Banana
  16. Wish list item?.........................................Time
  17. Where did you grow up?.........................Yorkshire
  18. Last thing you did?...................................Webbing
  19. What are you wearing?............................Thermals
  20. Your TV?................................................Off
  21. Your pets?...............................................Noisy
  22. Friends?...................................................Fantastic
  23. Your life?.................................................MAD
  24. Your mood?.............................................Reactive
  25. Missing someone?.....................................Always
  26. Vehicle?....................................................Feet
  27. Something you're not wearing?...................Shoes
  28. Your favourite store?..................................Hardware
  29. Your favourite colour?................................Red
  30. When was the last time you laughed?..........Today
  31. Last time you cried?...................................Today
  32. Your best friend?........................................GillHBB
  33. One place that I go to over and over?..........Garden
  34. Facebook?..................................................No
  35. Favourite place to eat?.................................Informal
We would like to pass this award on to:
  • JULIA - It's always a joy to visit Julia's blog and her work is an inspiration
  • LYNNE - Gorgeous blog, gorgeous work and Lynne's use of colour is magical
  • SALLY - Sally is a mum, full time teacher and manages to fit her wonderful crafting into all of this!!!
  • MICHELLE - Michelle's work is, quite simply, stunning - I'm going to start taking exploding box lessons from her!
  • VICKI - Vicki's scrapbook pages are wonderful and packed with inventive fun
It may be that not everyone has the time to take part in awards but please visit these people - they will inspire you!

Elaine and Janet.


  1. Oh gosh, Elaine and Janet - thanks SO MUCH for honoring me with this! How fun with all the questions to answer! I know why YOU ladies got this award - such a fun site with great ideas!

  2. Wow! A huge thank you for giving me this award! It really does mean a lot to me to know that my blogging is appreciated, especially by someone who has such a brilliant blog themselves. I will try & answer the questions as soon as I get a moment to spare, and will have no trouble finding worthy recipients to pass it on to.

  3. Thank you! I am honoured that such talented ladies appreciate my blog. I'll pass it on too x

  4. Elaine and Janet -- I just popped by to wish you a Merry Christmas! I'll come back "next year" - LOL - to see what you are up to and to visit the ladies you have awarded here. Wish I could drop in and share that barcardi and coke with you -- I'm frazzled with the last minute holiday preparations -- just made my last Christmas Card last night!


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